Saturday, December 2, 2023

ICT as Medium for Advocacy

Upgrading Modern Education: Understanding the ICT Evolution from Grade School to Senior High

     ICT, which stands for Information and Communication Technology, comprises a diverse set of tools and resources designed to enhance and simplify various aspects of our lives. This encompasses a wide range of communication technologies like mobile phones, telephones, computers, the internet, television, and software applications. Its scope includes the ability to save, retrieve, distribute, store, and transmit information. The term encompasses technologies that manipulate, communicate, and disseminate knowledge. Beyond its technical aspects, ICT plays a vital role in bringing people closer, connecting us with loved ones, and facilitating communication with individuals at a distance.


    Before I proceed to answer the questions, the pervasive impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on our daily lives is undeniable, shaping personal, educational, business, and community aspects. At a personal level, the extensive use of smartphones, social media, and messaging apps has revolutionized communication, enabling instant connections, shared experiences, and global interactions with friends and family. The convenience extends to online shopping, adding to the transformative effect. In education, students benefit from collaborative platforms and a wealth of e-learning resources, fostering accessibility, flexibility, and an enjoyable learning experience. In the business realm, ICT facilitates seamless communication and collaboration through tools like email, video conferencing, and collaborative platforms, elevating productivity and teamwork. Lastly, within communities, ICT connects members, promotes information sharing, and aids in organizing events through social media and forums, offering swift access to information for those engaged in social media. As technology advances, its ongoing influence on these domains promises new opportunities and challenges, particularly for individuals immersed in the realm of social media.

a. The singing of the national anthem (Form a line, sing the national anthem with conductor)

  In elementary school, the national anthem was typically sung during regular morning assemblies or flag ceremonies. Students would form an orderly line, led by a conductor or their teacher, who was frequently designated as the master of ceremonies. The ceremony might take place in front of the school, boosting student solidarity. Notably, the usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in grade school is often limited during these activities. The anthem's organization and execution are based on conventional approaches, with less emphasis on technology support. Grade school learners may be less familiar with the technical intricacies of singing, such as tone, rhythm, and dynamics; therefore, their singing experience is more simple.

I have permission to borrow this picture

    In senior high school, the rendition of the national anthem takes on a more formal structure. A dedicated conductor or music director often leads the ceremony, ensuring a seamless assembly of students into a cohesive ensemble. While upholding the traditional essence, technology is seamlessly integrated, introducing recorded versions or multimedia presentations to elevate the experience as students engage in the anthem. There is a heightened emphasis on fostering respect and encouraging enthusiastic singing from the students. Despite occasional challenges like weak vocals and disorderly formations, the use of recorded versions serves as a valuable aid, fortifying the collective strength of each student's voice.

b. Concepts notes

    Notes in elementary school are often straightforward, providing only essential information. Teachers might encourage more conversational and interactive teaching methods in the early stages. Notes provide simple support for class activities. To demonstrate teachings, educators frequently use manila paper or a blackboard with writing. Since television was uncommon at the time, this permitted pupils in their seats to simultaneously record the information being studied while the teacher was at the front, ensuring a communal understanding of the subjects.

     In my senior high school years, ICT significantly aided me in note-taking. The use of laptops, cellphones, and tablets allowed me to create well-organized and easily searchable notes. The internet played a crucial role in conducting thorough research and accessing additional learning materials. The integration of PowerPoint presentations and multimedia not only enhanced the teaching methods but also motivated students to engage more in writing. Furthermore, utilizing digital tools made note organization and retrieval more efficient compared to the traditional pen-and-paper approach. This shift towards technology-enabled students to delve deeper into understanding technological concepts through in-depth analysis and real-world examples.

c. Presentation of visual aids.

    During my grade school, educators and students relied on traditional tools like overhead projectors, manila papers, cartolina, and physical visual aids for presentations. The visual aids were simpler, predominantly utilizing basic materials such as poster boards and handmade items like flashcards. At this stage, ICT-related technologies were not extensively employed, and the focus was on using pictures, colors, and straightforward text to enhance student comprehension. In this type of presentation, students often faced challenges in grasping the content written on the visual aids presented by the educators.

    Presentation chances were more advanced in my senior high school experience, given our earlier introduction to presentation abilities in high school. We learned how to make appealing PowerPoint presentations, giving students a great tool for creating interactive and interesting displays. Students improved their understanding of preparing and presenting lectures as their technological capability increased. The incorporation of multimedia components such as films, audio, animations, and interactive graphics has become standard practice, increasing overall engagement and reducing boredom in the learning journey.

d. Class record

    In my time in grade school, since the usage of social media platforms is not yet ubiquitous, many teachers still write grades on paper and pencil. Each student's name is written in the gradebook by the teacher, who often sorts it alphabetically for easier searching. It could be a huge notepad or a folder containing materials for each pupil. They build a gradebook in which each student's score is re-recorded. Before the advent of social media, tasks like manually inputting scores or using a basic calculator for calculations were considered challenging, as the convenience and ease of technology had not yet become widespread.


    Digital class records can be utilized in Senior High School to allow teachers to swiftly and simply record and update students' grades using a computer or other technological tools. This could be a spreadsheet (like Excel or Google Sheets) or a dedicated grade recording and data storage system. Excel is frequently used to record and display student grades. These can be converted into digital Class records, which are easier to update and manage than traditional paper records since, if you know how to insert a formula, the records in Excel will be executed accurately and balanced.

e. Class dismissal

    In the context of grade school, the dismissal procedure frequently adheres to more traditional and time-honored methods, where the ringing of a bell indicates the end of classes. This traditional technique is supplemented with the hand-delivery of reminders to students, ensuring that they receive important information from teachers who have already dismissed their classes. 

    At this senior high school, educators seamlessly incorporate modern technologies into their teaching methodologies, exemplified by the innovative use of cell phones to signal the end of their classroom lessons. The intentional integration of mobile devices not only serves as a practical means of time management but also reflects a strategic embrace of technological advancements in education. 

d. Assignment and Research

  In the past years, in grade school, students approached assignments and research through methods that significantly differed from today. They were often tasked with delving into books, encyclopedias, and various information sources to gather relevant information. Additionally, manual computations were commonly employed to solve equations, showcasing a more hands-on and analog approach to academic tasks.

    In the present day, the educational landscape has undergone a significant transformation due to technological advancements. Students now heavily depend on digital resources, online databases, and advanced tools for their research and problem-solving endeavors. The process has become more efficient, allowing quick searches and instant access to information; simply taking a photo and clicking yields the desired answers. However, the reliance on the internet poses challenges; without data or a sufficient load, accessing the needed information online becomes impossible. 

In good use, ICT has a great responsibility to the audience, so think before you click! 

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ICT as Medium for Advocacy

Upgrading Modern Education: Understanding the ICT Evolution from Grade School to Senior High      ICT, which stands for Information and Comm...